大约 4 分钟
/* Insert, delete or replace the specified element 'ele' of length 'len' at
* the specified position 'p', with 'p' being a listpack element pointer
* obtained with lpFirst(), lpLast(), lpNext(), lpPrev() or lpSeek().
* The element is inserted before, after, or replaces the element pointed
* by 'p' depending on the 'where' argument, that can be LP_BEFORE, LP_AFTER
* If 'ele' is set to NULL, the function removes the element pointed by 'p'
* instead of inserting one.
* Returns NULL on out of memory or when the listpack total length would exceed
* the max allowed size of 2^32-1, otherwise the new pointer to the listpack
* holding the new element is returned (and the old pointer passed is no longer
* considered valid)
* If 'newp' is not NULL, at the end of a successful call '*newp' will be set
* to the address of the element just added, so that it will be possible to
* continue an interation with lpNext() and lpPrev().
* For deletion operations ('ele' set to NULL) 'newp' is set to the next
* element, on the right of the deleted one, or to NULL if the deleted element
* was the last one.
* 插入、删除、替换的实现都是这个函数,当ele是NULL时,表示移除*p位置的元素,
* p也是一个基准位置,在这个节点之前、之后插入等等
* */
unsigned char *lpInsert(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *ele, uint32_t size, unsigned char *p, int where, unsigned char **newp) {
unsigned char intenc[LP_MAX_INT_ENCODING_LEN];
unsigned char backlen[LP_MAX_BACKLEN_SIZE];
uint64_t enclen; /* The length of the encoded element. */
/* An element pointer set to NULL means deletion, which is conceptually
* replacing the element with a zero-length element. So whatever we
* get passed as 'where', set it to LP_REPLACE. */
/* 如果ele是NULL,默认该操作是删除 */
if (ele == NULL) where = LP_REPLACE;
/* If we need to insert after the current element, we just jump to the
* next element (that could be the EOF one) and handle the case of
* inserting before. So the function will actually deal with just two
* cases: LP_BEFORE and LP_REPLACE.
* 如果需要在列表中已存在的元素之前插入数据,我们先找到这已存在的元素的位置,
* 然后按在之后插入处理
* */
if (where == LP_AFTER) {
p = lpSkip(p);
where = LP_BEFORE;
/* Store the offset of the element 'p', so that we can obtain its
* address again after a reallocation. */
unsigned long poff = p-lp;
/* Calling lpEncodeGetType() results into the encoded version of the
* element to be stored into 'intenc' in case it is representable as
* an integer: in that case, the function returns LP_ENCODING_INT.
* Otherwise if LP_ENCODING_STR is returned, we'll have to call
* lpEncodeString() to actually write the encoded string on place later.
* Whatever the returned encoding is, 'enclen' is populated with the
* length of the encoded element. */
int enctype;
if (ele) {
* enctype: 数据类型,0-int 1-字符串
* intenc: 当enctype为0时,该值有用,表示编码后的int
* enclen: 数据长度 内存结构:(标识 | 数据长度 | 数据)
* */
enctype = lpEncodeGetType(ele,size,intenc,&enclen);
} else {
enctype = -1;
enclen = 0;
/* We need to also encode the backward-parsable length of the element
* and append it to the end: this allows to traverse the listpack from
* the end to the start. */
/* 计算出元素尾部的长度的字节长度,同时构建好backlen */
unsigned long backlen_size = ele ? lpEncodeBacklen(backlen,enclen) : 0;
/* 旧的列表字节总长度 */
uint64_t old_listpack_bytes = lpGetTotalBytes(lp);
uint32_t replaced_len = 0;
if (where == LP_REPLACE) {
/* [头部][数据]的长度 */
replaced_len = lpCurrentEncodedSizeUnsafe(p);
/* [尾部长度]:代表前面数据的长度 */
replaced_len += lpEncodeBacklen(NULL,replaced_len);
ASSERT_INTEGRITY_LEN(lp, p, replaced_len);
/* 新的列表字节长度
* old_listpack_bytes:旧的列表字节数
* enclen:元素数据编码后的字节数
* backlen_size:储存尾部长度的字节数
* */
uint64_t new_listpack_bytes = old_listpack_bytes + enclen + backlen_size
- replaced_len;
if (new_listpack_bytes > UINT32_MAX) return NULL;
/* We now need to reallocate in order to make space or shrink the
* allocation (in case 'when' value is LP_REPLACE and the new element is
* smaller). However we do that before memmoving the memory to
* make room for the new element if the final allocation will get
* larger, or we do it after if the final allocation will get smaller. */
unsigned char *dst = lp + poff; /* May be updated after reallocation. */
/* Realloc before: we need more room. */
if (new_listpack_bytes > old_listpack_bytes &&
new_listpack_bytes > lp_malloc_size(lp)) {
if ((lp = lp_realloc(lp,new_listpack_bytes)) == NULL) return NULL;
dst = lp + poff;
/* Setup the listpack relocating the elements to make the exact room
* we need to store the new one. */
if (where == LP_BEFORE) {
} else { /* LP_REPLACE. */
long lendiff = (enclen+backlen_size)-replaced_len;
/* Realloc after: we need to free space. */
if (new_listpack_bytes < old_listpack_bytes) {
if ((lp = lp_realloc(lp,new_listpack_bytes)) == NULL) return NULL;
dst = lp + poff;
/* Store the entry. */
if (newp) {
*newp = dst;
/* In case of deletion, set 'newp' to NULL if the next element is
* the EOF element. */
if (!ele && dst[0] == LP_EOF) *newp = NULL;
if (ele) {
if (enctype == LP_ENCODING_INT) {
/* 因为int类型在lpEncodeGetType函数中已经编码好了,所以直接拷贝到内存中 */
} else {
/* 对字符串类型的数据编码 */
dst += enclen;
dst += backlen_size;
/* Update header. 更新紧凑链表的头部信息 */
if (where != LP_REPLACE || ele == NULL) {
uint32_t num_elements = lpGetNumElements(lp);
if (num_elements != LP_HDR_NUMELE_UNKNOWN) {
if (ele)
#if 0
/* This code path is normally disabled: what it does is to force listpack
* to return *always* a new pointer after performing some modification to
* the listpack, even if the previous allocation was enough. This is useful
* in order to spot bugs in code using listpacks: by doing so we can find
* if the caller forgets to set the new pointer where the listpack reference
* is stored, after an update. */
unsigned char *oldlp = lp;
lp = lp_malloc(new_listpack_bytes);
if (newp) {
unsigned long offset = (*newp)-oldlp;
*newp = lp + offset;
/* Make sure the old allocation contains garbage. */
return lp;